Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Tidbit #3

I love to buy rotisserie chicken.  I'll pick one up at the grocery store then bring it home and shred it, discarding the skin and fat, and divide it up into two freezer bags.  Then when I'm ready to make a soup or casserole for dinner I can just toss in my already cooked, already shredded chicken.  Plus, those chickens seem a lot closer to normal size than the freakishly large breasts they sell at the stores these days.  Those are just creepy.

Also when we're on vacation we often buy a rotisserie chicken, a bag of salad mix, and a fresh baguette for an inexpensive, healthy dinner.

I wanted to share a second little tidbit.  A friend of mine shared this clip on facebook and I found it very enlightening.  I realize it's 20 min. long but worth watching.

Soda is bad for you...


Erika said...

AWESOME presentation!

Ross and Kathy said...

So, does that mean I can still have cupcakes if I make them out of carrots?

Sharon said...

I like this even though I rarely drink soda and am still fat!