Sunday, August 21, 2011


The week of July 18th Dallin attended a GREAT Camp at the U of U.  GREAT stands for Graphics and Robotics Exploration with Amazing Technology.  I called it a Nerd camp.  :)

Every day for that week Ryan drove him up to the U and then I drove up in the afternoon to pick him up but it was totally worth the sacrifice because he loved it.  For the first half of the week they worked on Alice, a graphics and animation program.  They designed a small cartoon and a brief video game.  Then the last half of the week they got to work with Lego Mindstorm robots.  These pictures are from the last day.  They had a competition to see who designed the most destructive robot.  Dallin's robot had a good concept but didn't quite perform as he had hoped.  It was pretty cool to watch, though.

Just a side note.  We were a little nervous about dropping Dallin off in Salt Lake all by himself so the Saturday before the camp we bought him a cell phone.  We had been discussing it all summer.  I wanted him to have one for Jr. High.  Ryan was on the fence until he thought about dropping Dallin off at this camp in Salt Lake and not having any other way to get a hold of him.  I must say it was a huge relief for me.  I got some pretty cute texts from him during the week.  My favorite was when he told me he won a small competition and got a treat.  I like having a way to chat with him during the day.  He may be growing up but he's my first and I'm a wimp.


Erika said...

Looks like an awesome experience!

Ross and Kathy said...

Ditto what Erika said. But get rid of the nerd word. Exploring technology and being creative - what could be better in this world - would you rather he be interested in farming? Not that that's a bad thing.