Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I finally did it!

My goal in January was to start a blog and join the rest of the world in using the internet to record my thoughts and feelings. Scary. That's probably why I waited so long. There's that overwhelming feeling that I've just thrown myself out there for the whole world to see.

My hope, though, is that I might actually begin to record some of the wonderful things that happen in my life that I would really like to remember. I have four beautiful children who deserve to be honored and remembered for the joys they bless me with each day. Unfortunately I'm also in my thirtees and can't seem to remember what happened yesterday let alone the sweet things my kids do and say.

I also believe that getting things out is better than keeping them in. I used to keep and journal and could look back on things I said and choices I made and see changes I would like to make. Basically, realize what an idiot I was and cut it out. Maybe this will help me see more clearly why I struggle with the things I do.

I'm far from perfect, especially at being a mother. But I love my kids and want them to know that they're always in my thoughts and heart like a warm hug all day long. Nothing made me feel better as a child than a hug from my mom. It made all the anxieties, worries, and embarrassments disappear, just being wrapped in her arms. I want to be that hug for my kids and I want to remember why I love them so much. So this is for them, and for me.

1 comment:

Britt said...

I love your blog! Thank you for staying in touch. I know it's a pain, but it means the world to people like me. I really miss you!