Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Point Animal Farm

We had a lot of fun this week for Spring Break. Monday the kids and I went to the grocery store and picked out fresh vegetables to make yummy salads this week. (Okay, so I tricked them with that one).

Tuesday I took the girls to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. Lucky Dad stayed home with poor Dallin, who had the flu, and Austin, who doesn't go to movies yet.

Wednesday, everyone was healthy so we went to the Lehi pool. Austin wasn't sure what to make of it at first but Dallin and Cameron headed for the twisty slide and weren't seen again for at least an hour. Eden had a lot of fun wandering away from mom and dad. And finally Austin realized it's a lot warmer if you lay on your tummy and move around completely under water, except for his head, of course. Afterward we went to Chili's to spoil our kids who never get to go out to eat. Austin was very polite to the server and said "thank you" for everything. He also ate all of Eden's mac 'n cheese. Eden was very clear with the server that her drink "tasted bad" and she needed a different one. Then, as soon as that was gone she said, "Hey guy! I need some more juice!" The poor guy was sweating when he finally asked if we wanted any dessert. Cameron said, "yep". When all was said and done, it was a fun day except for all the moaning from full tummies on the drive home.

Finally, we get to our charming pictures. Thursday we went to the petting zoo at Thanksgiving Point. It was windy and chilly but I don't think Austin noticed at all. He screamed at every animal he saw and I'm pretty sure he kissed everything, including the donkey with the "Watch out I bite" sign and the goat with big horns that was trying to get corn from Cameron's hand. If it had a nose or a head that could stick through a fence Austin kissed it. That includes the donkey, a few horses, baby pigs, goats, a llama, and different size sheep. To top it all off he went on his first pony ride. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.

1 comment:

Breanne said...

So funny about the "watch out I bite" sign. Go Austin!