Friday, December 16, 2011

Family Pictures

Back in October we had new family photos taken by our neighbor Laura Henry. She did such a great job and I was so excited but I wanted to wait to post them until our Christmas cards went out. If you follow my blog on Google Reader you will have to go to my original blog and see everyone's updated pictures.

It was so cold I thought for sure the kids would complain but they were all really good sports. We bundled them up in between shots to keep them warm.

Evelyn had so many cute pictures I couldn't pick just one. She just sat on a little log and made the cutest faces.

Evelyn kept trying to eat my necklace while trying to take this shot. It was so funny. We finally got one without her attached to my neck.

My handsome boys. I was so worried the bright sun would make us look shaded but instead it just lit up all the fall colors around us. It was the perfect day and perfect place for a family picture.


Jacque said...

Beautiful pictures!
You have such a great looking family.

Ross and Kathy said...

Great Pics! Great Family!

Karin said...

Those are so good! You all look beautiful in them.

Sharon said...

Beautiful family! You all look so great, Lauren. : )