Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stewart Falls

So, since Cascade Springs was such a success and I figured everyone would want to get out of the cabin again, I thought it would be a good idea to take the kids on the hike to Stewart Falls. I'm not so sure 3 hours later if anyone still thought it was a good idea or just a lot of work. But I was honestly so proud of all those little kids. We had three 3 year old girls who hiked all the way to the falls, 2 miles, and most of the way to Sundance, 1.5 miles. There were also three 5 year old boys who were total troopers since they didn't stand a chance of getting held at all, and the bigger kids hung in there without a single complaint until almost the very end! What Superstars! It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed myself. Fortunately, we had lunch ready for everyone when we got back to Sundance and I was amazed to see Eden and Austin eat their whole PB & J sandwich, plus everything else we had for them. It's good to work up an appetite sometimes, and according to my dad, everything tastes better when you're outside.

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