Thursday, April 23, 2009

On A Day Like Today

Last night was one of those nights you dread as a parent. Ryan was having trouble falling asleep so we were up 'til about 12:30 and then within 15 minutes he was snoring and I was still wide awake. I knew he was stressed and tired so I headed out onto the couch only to remember that no one had fed the hamster (in a couple of days). So I got up and fed him a carrot and filled his food dish. He then decided to immediately carry the carrot up to his nest which entails a lot of loud banging up the tube. I remembered that we had an extra mattress upstairs in the loft so I dragged my blankets and pillows up there and crashed.

Seriously, not even 5 minutes later Austin started to cry. I got up to check on him and noticed he was burning up. We had given him Tylenol earlier because he wasn't feeling well and for some reason my brain couldn't process that it was time for more medicine. I could barely process that he might be sick. I just sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his back while he fell back asleep, only to wake up again 10 minutes later. It was up and down for the next three hours until something clicked and I went downstairs for more Tylenol. Every time he woke up it was something different, ie. "I need to go potty. (Took him potty). The monsters are coming to get me. (This one included a lot of screaming. I had to explain that it was just the wind). I can't find my Tiger. (It was under his blanket). I'm going to throw up. (Held him over the toilet but nothing happened, thank goodness)." And much more moaning, crying, etc. But every time he was burning up. I wished I had understood sooner.

Even with the Tylenol he woke up once an hour after that. At 6 am I gave him Motrin and then at 6:30 am I rubbed his back and finally at 6:45 am I took him downstairs and turned on a show. When I finally took his temperature he was 103. He hasn't left the couch today and I feel so bad for him. But here it is 1 o'clock and I feel like an elephant stepped on my head. I keep thinking of all these things I should be getting done but I keep finding myself back at the computer hoping for another excuse to just sit and do nothing. I'm so tired but I know if I try to take a nap he'll wake up crying again. He's been napping off and on all day but every time he wakes up he cries.

So, I'm still here, wondering what I'm supposed to be doing on a day like today.


misha~sha-sha said...


Jacque said...

Yup! Rest yourself and do nothing. You'll be so glad you did. Especially if you have another bad night!

Here at home said...

I had a good nights sleep and all my kids are healthy right now and I still am just sitting here at the computer wondering what do do on a day like today.
Poor kid. I hope he gets feeling better and that you get some rest yourself.

Dani said...

Here's to hoping you have a better day today! I wish I was closer and could come help least long enough for you to get your much-needed nap! :) Good luck today and give your poor sick boy a squeeze from me!

Toad said...

I know your family doesn't always see the things you are a wonderful mom taking care of everyone!!! Don't ever feel bad if for one day you don't do something!

Ryan said...

I agree with Emily (Toad). Kick back and relax once in a while. Play some Mario Kart.