Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Week With The Cousins

Monday June 14 Grandma and Grandpa led the kids on a hike to the Grotto. It's their favorite place to take visiting family.

Since I had never been there before myself I didn't plan for the kids to get wet so I told them not to get in the water. Some of them weren't very happy with me about that.

The rest of the week was jam packed with activities. We spent one night in Park City with Steve and Dani and Deb and Stu. We went bowling on Wednesday and boating on Friday. We saw Toy Story 3 in 3D, went to the Spanish Fork pool, and had lots of play dates with cousins. I thought I was tired on Sunday but when I came out of my room and saw my kids sprawled out on the living room floor, lying on pillows, with no TV on I realized it wasn't just me. It was an exhausting week. But the kids were so thrilled to get to spend so much time with their cousins.

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