Friday, February 25, 2011

President's Day

For President's Day we took the kids to the Lehi Pool.  This is almost becoming a tradition.  By the middle of February it's the perfect thing to pretend it's not snowing outside and that summer isn't still months away.

Ryan played around with the kids while Evelyn took a nap on my lap.

At least for a little while...

My kids are all fish but they had to admit that Austin swam circles around everyone today.  Ryan said he spent more time under the water than above it.

After swimming we took the kids to Olive Garden for dinner and then hurried home for our turn to clean the church.  I went home with the baby to try to get the laundry done before school on Tuesday.  It wasn't the most exciting holiday but we got to spend time together as a family and that's my favorite way to spend the day.


Ross and Kathy said...

Sounds like a terrific holiday to me - well maybe the cleaning isn't so great.

Breanne said...

Does Evelyn have a freckle on her arm

Hugs from mom said...

Evelyn was born with that birth mark. It was really surprising because it's so big and dark. It looks like a freckle but it might be a birth mark. I don't know if they're the same thing.