Thursday, August 9, 2012


On Tuesday June 19 we took the kids out for a little surprise. First we took them to get frozen yogurt. Then we took them to the park while we waited for it to get dark.

There's something funny going on in this picture...

Silly kids.

We had heard rumors that there were fireflies in a field not far from where we live so we decided to surprise the kids. We had to wait until it got very dark. So in the meantime the kids and Ryan experimented with keeping the shutter open.

As soon as the sun completely set we saw little glowing lights pop up all over the field. The kids had so much fun chasing fireflies. I was amazed at how small they were. I have never seen a firefly before but I always thought they were bigger.

Dallin actually caught one in the jar we brought but the picture is too blurry for you to see it. It was really thrilling, though and a wonderful surprise for the kids.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

A D V E N T U R E S ! What great fun.