Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Magnolia 20 Year High School Reunion

I spent much of the summer of 2012 planning our 20 year high school reunion. It was definitely a challenge but worked out amazingly well in the end. Our reunion was held on September 14th at Larry Houser's restaurant in Fullerton, Bourbon Street Bar and Grill.

Earlier that day I was reunited with Jodeen, Shannon, and Scott Giroux at lunch in Anaheim. It is so great to see old friends.

I was a little worried about the turn out for the reunion but there was no need. It all worked out great. We had over 50 people come.

Ryan helped me put together a slide show that played on tv's around the restaurant. We included high school and current pictures and brief bios about everyone attending.

Steve McAskill and his wife helped a ton with the reunion too. They took care of the decorations, his sweet wife greeted everyone and gave them their nametags, and Steve tracked down everyone who hadn't paid yet and collected. I was so glad I didn't have to do that.

Overall, it was a fun, successful night. The food was great. Everyone was genuinely glad they came and we were able to donate the remaining money to Larry's charity for Autism.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Great Photos. Nothing as satisfying as success.