Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mother's Day

I realize this is a little after the fact but I had to take a moment to remember the wonderful mother's day I had. Honestly, I think it was the first year I really felt special. Someone said at church on Sunday that you know your kids love you when they reflect the way you love them. I think that summed up my day.

Dallin woke everyone up at 6:30 (except me of course) to make special waffles that I can eat, with honey and strawberries, just the way I like them. When it was time to eat I walked through my bedroom door that was decorated with pink streamers and yellow balloons. (On Valentines Day I often decorate their doors with streamers and yellow is my favorite color). There was a big sign in the living room that said "Happy Mothers Day" and gifts on the table. I was suprised at how much thought and effort the kids put into the gifts they made this year. While I was admiring the things Dallin and Cameron made Eden ran into her room and ran back. "I don't have anything for you Mom!" She was so upset I could feel her sincere desire to have provided some kind of gift. In that moment it was definitely the thought that counted.

Ryan got me DDR, much to his own reluctance, I know. So it was a nice surprise and we had a lot of fun dancing with my mom when she came for dinner. The rest of the day was relaxing and very enjoyable. Ryan made lunch and dinner and cleaned everything up, always the best part.

I felt like everyones efforts were sincere and full of love and appreciation for me. I think that's all I really want sometimes; a little validation that who I am and what I do doesn't go unnoticed. It also showed me that service and sincerity reach deeper into the tender corners of my heart than big gifts. I'm really grateful for all that my family did for me on Mother's Day. It was a special day that I will never forget.

1 comment:

Karin said...

I'm glad that you had a great mom's day-you totally deserve it! I just started a blog, you'll have to check it out. Thanks again for the plants.