Friday, May 30, 2008


So Misha tagged me and I'm supposed to come up with six random things about myself. I'm not really sure what she might be expecting but I came up with a couple things that you may or may not know.

1. I used to convince anyone willing to peel my oranges for me because I couldn't stand the way it felt underneath my fingernails. Course, I didn't tell them that. I told them I didn't know how. And they actually believed me! I started peeling oranges myself only within the last few years seeing as there was no one around older than three that I could convince to do it for me. I still hate the feeling but I love oranges, so it's worth it, as long as there is a sink nearby.

2. I often (at least once a month :) ) visualize myself diving into a swimming pool filled with warm melted chocolate. I imagine myself keeping my mouth open the whole way.

3. I can't shop in department stores because all the clothes racks are at about the same level as my eyes and it freaks me out. I start feeling clausterphobic and have panic attacks. I would much rather shop at a store like American Eagle where most of the clothes are laying on tables or hung up on the wall. Not to mention I love their clothes anyway.

4. Speaking of shopping. I hate shopping for clothes by myself because Ryan has such better taste than I do. Half the time I wonder, will Ryan like this? I usually end up putting things back thinking I'll come back later with Ryan and see if he thinks it looks good. He usually doesn't and always find something better. Course, when it comes time to wearing those clothes somewhere important he's no help at all. Everything looks good.

5. Most anyone who has ever lived with me knows I have a crumb problem. I can't stand them. I hate seeing them on a counter, I hate walking on them in bare feet, and I especially hate to watch them fall from someone's mouth onto a table when there is a perfectly good plate nearby. 'Nough said about that.

6. I absolutely love all the dear friends I have in my life. I admire so many of the strengths I see in the great women I know and have learned so much from every one of them. I feel like I am a better, wife, mother, and person in general because of the influence of the people I know now and have known throughout the years. Here's my personal confession. I feel like a failure as a mother. I have this fear that no matter what I do, it's not going to be enough. There's always something else, something more that I should do to help my children have better futures. I see the wonderful talents in the women around me and think, I'm just not up for that. There's no way I can do it all, I realize that, but I also think, there's no way I'm d0ing enough. My children deserve so much more. This is where I just hope that they'll be okay despite my inadequacies. And this is why I love the women around me. Because they always inspire me to try a little harder, to make one more effort today than I made yesterday and just keep trying. And because I feel like they love me and keep supporting me no matter what faults I have.

So, maybe that's a little more, or a little less, than you wanted to know about me. I don't feel like I'm a great mystery. I think everyone sees the crazy things I do like they're written on my face. And sometimes I stay home just for that reason.

So now I think I'm supposed to tag someone else. How about Breanne, Kelly, Karin, Jamie, and Lori. Unless you've done this before. Then I'll have to search your blogs. Thanks Misha, for the opportunity to actually write some things that I was pretty sure were already on my face.

1 comment:

misha~sha-sha said...

Yay! Thanks...I loved it. Aren't tags fun? They make you think about yourself for a few minutes. Sounds like you spend a lot of your time thinking about your kiddos (you MUST be a good mom...) and not much about yourself. Your tag was fun to read and now I'll have some crumb paranoia when you are around. And...I wouldn't mind peeling your oranges for you!