Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why I Blog

I don't know any of the rules for poetry but I really love to write. I wrote this poem for Dallin before he turned 2 because I felt guilty for not keeping a better record of all his precious moments as a baby. I never got any better with any of my other kids until now. I'm so grateful for this blogging invention and the chance it gives me to write down some of the special moments I have with all my children.

I Never Wrote It Down…

I never wrote down
The day you poured a box
Of rice crispies all over the floor.

I never wrote down
The first time you said doggy,
Or ducky, or car, or car keys.

I never wrote down
When you heard the thunder roar.
You put your little hands on my
Cheeks and gasped, “ooo”.

I never wrote down
The afternoon you took my hand
And led me into the kitchen.
You sat me down in front of
The cupboard and carefully
Selected the snack you wanted
Me to let you have.

I wish I had written down
The day I sat on the floor and cried.
You gently put your head on my
Shoulder and wrapped your arm around
My back and softly caressed my
Tears away.

I never wrote down the day you were born
and a joy I had never known
filled my life.

You are already 18 months now
And the adventures we’ve had
And the things we’ve learned,
Could fill pages – should fill pages.

But instead they are wrapped up
In my heart and only remembered
In the way we look at each other,
The way I hold you in my arems,
And the love I feel when you call me…



Toad said...

WOW...that sent chills down my spine. What a gift to give to your child! I love it!

Brigette-boo said...

Thank you for making me cry! I never wrote it down then ...thats why I blog too! =) hope fully I can remember it better

Lori said...

Incredible and sweet! I know we will be so glad for each little moment of our children's lives that we record. Miss you.

Micho said...

Lauren-that was so beautiful. You are so talented. It made me cry. I would love to read other poems. You could make that into a song.