Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fourth of July Fun!

We spent the Fourth at Erika and Doug's house this year. The kids had a blast jumping around in the pool and throwing water balloons at the house - not at each other, because that had bad results.

Uncle Doug barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs.

While Eden and I fed their chickens. We've always wanted to have chickens. It seems like an easy enough thing. Maybe one of these days we'll get around to it. (It's on the list).

After dinner and s'mores it was time for sparklers.

The peanut gallery.

Ryan was in charge of the show this year. We combined fireworks with Erika's but it was nothing compared to the spectacle of illegal's going off 360 degrees around us. I felt like I was back at home watching the Disneyland fireworks. For every little firework we lit there were two or three booming in the sky around us. The kids thought it was great - like we had any control over it.

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