Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Series of Events

With so many people in town last weekend for Grandma Heaton's funeral there were a lot of opportunities to get together with family we don't get to see very often. There were also several other events scheduled for that same weekend.

We had the cousins party Thursday, the funeral Friday, then Saturday morning Ryan's nephew Kalvin was baptized. After the baptism his brother Steve blessed his beautiful baby girl Olivia with all his brothers and brothers-in-law in attendance. Sunday we celebrated Brigette's birthday with dinner at our house and then attended Kale's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. We were also fortunate to get to spend time with his cousin Brandon who spent the night at our house on Friday.

It was a full weekend and we had a full house most of that time but I know that it's rare for Ryan to get to spend time with all his brothers and his sister and his cousins. I could tell he was really happy and enjoying every minute. It's always hard to say goodbye but guess what, they'll all be back in June for his brother Scott's wedding. (I think I'll get extra sleep the week before).


Barney Family said...


Ross and Kathy said...

WOW! Lots of people, lots of events, lots of news. Good Job!