Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It Made My Day

I had a nice time with my mom today.  I took her to a doctor appointment and then home to pick up the kids.  Since the kids were happily playing with friends still we went out to lunch and then picked up some Amano chocolate on the way home.  As I was walking out after taking her home she said, "You know from the back you don't even look pregnant."

I don't think I've ever had a nicer compliment in my whole life!


Jacque said...

I agree. I keep forgetting your pregnant every time I see you. I just act like everything's normal and then have to think about it and go, "Wait! You're pregnant! Hold on. Sit down. Take it easy!" I can't believe how much you've done through this whole pregnancy. I think you are super strong this time around.

Deb said...

Hi Lauren,
I met you ages ago.... I'm Ramon's wife and I think I found your blog through the Hills.
What a compliment from your mom! I can see how that made your day. It is better than when my MIL told me that I had gained a lot of weight in my rear during my 2nd pregnancy, or that it wasn't "normal" to gain so much weight with my first. LOL In her defense, I think it is just a cultural thing to be blunt and they think nothing of telling someone they are fat. Lucky me! :)
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!!