Monday, March 21, 2011

Talks and Farewells

Dallin gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting yesterday.  I was so impressed.  When they asked him to speak a few weeks ago he just said, "okay" like it was no big deal.  He wrote his talk all by himself with just a little coaching and a few suggestions from Ryan and I.  But the big shocker was that he didn't seem nervous at all.  I don't know how.  My knees always rattle together when I have to give a talk.  He said he felt a little nervous a few minutes before it was his turn to speak but that he figured it was probably just the devil wanting him to be nervous and mess up so he just decided not to listen to the devil.  I'll have to remember that the next time I have to speak.  I can't believe how grown up Dallin is.  I'm really proud of him.

Our neighbor also spoke with Dallin yesterday.  She's leaving in a few weeks to serve as a senior missionary in South Africa with her sister.  I didn't know you could serve missions with your sister!  I think that's so cool.

And last week we went to Ryan's cousin Elise's farewell.  She is going to serve a mission in Sacramento, CA doing sign language!  It was great to hear her speak.  She's watched our kids several times over the past ten years and we love her so much.  The kids wanted to take a picture of her so we can compare them when she gets home and see how much taller they are.  Watch out Elise.  They'll probably be taller than both of us!


Erika said...

Good job, Dallin!!

Ross and Kathy said...

That Dallin seems to have both feet on the ground.

Stephanie T said...

Can you believe Dallin is giving talks in Sacrament! Darin had to give his first talk in Sacrament meeting the first Sunday after he turned 12. We have 26 Valiant 11's this year so our Bishopric has been asking them to speak within that first month of their 12th birthday. It's crazy, but I am so proud of them. They are so much more confident then I ever would have been.