Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First We Work then We Play

For Dallin's Family Life merit badge he decided to prepare our garden for the summer. He had spent a few weeks weeding, tilling, and putting in fertilizer. On May 28, Memorial Day, he was ready to plant the vegetables he had purchased. We all went outside in the morning to help him get the work done as quickly as possible.  There were some new weeds in the rocks so we pulled those too. I love how Evelyn grabbed a glove and tried to help.

She didn't quite manage to get any weeds pulled but she was so determined I didn't feel like keeping her from trying.

After the work was done we had a quick lunch and then headed to the Hogle Zoo.

The monkeys were putting on quite a show that day. There were so many swinging around and making all kinds of noise. Evelyn loved it.

The tigers definitely had no entertainment value other than the fact that even when they're sleeping they're huge and scary looking.

Ryan loves birds but we always manage to miss the bird show. He caught part of it from up above and was enchanted until Evelyn decided to get his attention... "honk".

I took Evelyn and some of the kids to the park so Ryan could enjoy the rest of the show.

It was a beautiful day. We finished it with dinner at Red Robin. We had a whole room to ourselves and ate way too much but had a nice quiet drive home. What a great way to start summer break.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

That definitely looks like a great way to spend Memorial Day. Good Job Dallin and Family!