Saturday, April 6, 2013

Into The Woods

On February 7,8, and 9th Dallin and Cameron performed in Into The Woods for the local children's theater.
Cameron was Little Red Riding Hood and Dallin was The Big Bad Wolf. At the beginning of the first performance my mom leaned over and whispered "can Cameron sing?" I shrugged my shoulders. The kids were very sneaky about practicing in their rooms so we couldn't hear them.

So it was a wonderful surprise to hear Cameron sing so beautifully and then my heart just melted when Dallin and Cameron performed a duet together! It was so cute and fun and I felt so proud of them!

This was their duet. They sang and danced together. I get all choked up just thinking about it.

Dallin's makeup got more elaborate with each performance.

We really appreciate all the friends and family that came out to support them!

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

WOW, what great Pics! Great Job Dallin and Cameron. But the best picture is the last one.