Sunday, April 28, 2013

Valentine's Day

I just had Ryan upload the pictures on my phone and found these cute ones from Valentine's Day. I got to help Eden's class with their party. My station decorated heart shaped cookies. (I quickly baked some gluten free ones for Eden, Austin and Evelyn that morning).

Another station had the kids blow up balloons and let them fly, trying to get them to land on a certain heart for points.

One more station had the kids trying to pick candy hearts with chop sticks. It was all a lot of fun.

Here's what I posted to Facebook that morning:

My 6 year old came up this morning complaining about the stuff hanging in front of his door and how he got all tangled up in it. (Ryan and I were up until midnight hanging streamers and hearts from each of the kids bedroom doors). The 6 year old continued to complain about it while eating his homemade heart shaped waffles for breakfast until my 8 year old said, "be quiet Austin, you're ruining my Valentine's Day". Thanks Eden for appreciating your parents' hard work.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Looks like a tough day at school! Good Job Lauren & Ryan (even if Austin didn't GET IT). And Thanks for sharing.