Thursday, June 12, 2008

Swimming With Turtles

One of the highlights from my trip to Maui was this moment so miraculously captured by Breanne. I love to snorkel and have tried many times to even catch a sea turtle but they are pretty darn fast. This one, though, popped up right in between Breanne and me as we were snorkeling off my grandpa's beach. I swear it wanted to play so I dove down to touch it and when I came up Breanne was freaking out, "Don't touch the turtle! You're never supposed to touch turtles! Their jaws can bite through a steel bar. It could snap your arm in two." All I could think was, "but it wants to play."

Regardless of whether or not I was supposed to touch the turtle Breanne was also freaking out that she got a picture of it. Way to go Breanne!


Lori said...


I was hoping there would soon be a Hawaii post. I hope your little jaunt was amazing & rejuvenating. You know, if you love snorkeling so much, you ought to try a cruise. :) I hope I can see you soon. Great picture!

Kelly M said...

What an awesome picture! Looks like it was a great trip.