Monday, February 8, 2010

5th Grade Science Fair

Dallin participated in his first science fair project this year. He measured how long it takes for bleach to remove color from food coloring. It was actually pretty interesting and I was totally surprised at the results. Blue went clear the fastest and yellow never went clear. I was expecting the opposite. It was Dallin's idea and I thought he did a really good job. He even typed up all of his results for his poster board. I'm so proud of how hard he tries at everything he does. He's a perfectionist, like some other people we know.


Breanne said...

Way to go, Dallin! My 5th grade science project was on magnets, it was pretty boring. This one sounds cool, though!

Nikki Jenson said...

Thats awesome! Good job!

Ross and Kathy said...

I'M IMPRESSED!!! I'm always trying to figure out what the color of wood is going to do once I make something out of it. Most of the time wood darkens with age, but not always. And, if I color the wood with dye, how do I know if it will stay bright and colorful? Good project. And Good job Dallin!

misha~sha-sha said...

Can it be possible that you already have a 5th grader? Where does the time go? And cool project!

Nikki Jenson said...

My neighbor just read your blog after reading the link from our family blog and is following the pattern of Dallin's layout on his display board for her son's 5th grade project! We just laughed! She was so impressed with how neat it looked! Funny!