Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cameron's Orchestra Christmas Concert

Cameron has been learning to play the Viola this year as part of a combined school sixth grade orchestra. She goes to another elementary school three mornings a week for practice. The mom's worked out a carpool so I drive all the girls there at 7:10 am on wednesday and friday and other moms picks up the girls and takes them all to their school in time for school to start at 8:30 am. It has made for some crazy mornings but Cameron really enjoys it.

On December 14th she performed for the 5th and 6th grades of both schools. Our school walked to their school at 9 am and then walked back after the performance. Cameron got to play a song with her friend Emily on the violin and another girl on the cello. 

That night the orchestra performed again for all the parents. I'm really impressed with how much the students have learned in just a couple of months.

After the performance the conductor had the students play an encore and invited the parents to come up and take pictures. Cameron is so cute.

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