Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oh, To Do Something You've Never Done Before

and love it!

I just finished my first triathlon. I can't believe it but I really did it. I got the flu for the second time in two weeks on Thursday and thought for sure I wouldn't have it in me to try the race but I also couldn't stand the thought of not trying.

So, here's how it went. It was about 39 degrees this morning when we started. I was toward the front but in a matter of 30 seconds about 80 percent of the group passed me. To say I'm a slow runner is an understatement. I like to think of myself as the tortoise, I just keep plugging along. I admit that during the last half mile I was on the verge of crying (sound familiar?) and ready to run through the finish line for the 5k runners. But I made the turn and went for my bike. I saw my sister-in-law leave just as I was getting there and thought "a forty year old is kicking my butt."

Once I got on my bike, though, it was a whole new experience. I loved it. I started passing people like crazy (which felt so good) and flying downhill toward UVU. If I wasn't so chicken I could have gone faster. I confess anything over 26 mph freaks me out. But I enjoyed my ride and recuperated a little before tackling 400 North. "What a beast," some guy said as he climbed past me up the hill. But once again I wasn't the slowest so I felt pretty good, even though I almost threw up at the top.

So, one more lap of that on the bike. As I approached the hill for the second time I noticed I was even with another woman. I turned and said, "is this your second lap?" hoping to give her some encouragement. But when she turned and said, "yeah" I noticed it was my friend Monica. That was fun. So we gave each other props for making it that far and fought our way up the hill.

Okay, so what no one ever told me was that your supposed to strip down to your swim suit by your bike and then run into the Rec center barefoot in 40 degree weather. Man, that was cold. But I shoved my hair in a swim cap and ran in to find a line of people trying to get in the pool. The first lap was so crowded I kept swallowing water. I wanted to scream at everyone "hey, I'm a swimmer, get out of my way!" Instead I clawed past them one person at a time. My arms were burning but all I wanted was a little space to do what I do best. Turns out, it worked. I climbed out of the pool, crossed the finish line, and saw my sister in law standing there. "Did you just finish?" I asked. She said "yeah" and then told me that she saw me get in when she was on her third lap. So I think my fighting paid off.

I did the whole thing in 1 hour 27 minutes. Definitely not something to brag about. But I feel good anyway. The thing I find most funny is that I did my 3 mile run in 34 min. and was in about 30th place (I think that means for my age group or something) then I did the 10 mile bike in 41 min. and was in about 24th place. But I did the 300 meter swim in 8 min. and dropped to like 6th place. Just goes to show what I'm really good at. The funny thing is that isn't even a very good time for me but the pool was so crowded it was hard to get anywhere. I don't know what place I took overall. Like I said, I don't know how these things really work. But I feel good for having tried something I've never done before (and for not chickening out when I had a pretty good excuse).

I'm really grateful to my sister in law for encouraging me to do this. I was terrified this morning and just followed her around and did everything she did, which was really helpful. I only hope I can do half as good as she did when I'm forty.


Barney Family said...

I AM AMAZED. Way to go!!

Jacque said...

Wow. You are going to have to get me to do one of those in another 5 years or so.

Breanne said...

Wow, way to go!

Kelly M said...

When I heard you were sick I thought for sure you would call off joining the race. I am impressed that you didn't and that you did so well. Congratulations! p.s. You look so thin in those pics!

misha~sha-sha said...

I am so impressed. I want to do one but it's on that forever long to do list of things that I never seem to get to. Kudos to you for tackling it!

Tara said...

Lauren! You are amazing!
That sounds so fun! (in a sick way)
Thanks for sharing your experience - you have inspired me!
I agree with kelly - you look so thin!

Amy said...

You are seriously awesome!!!