Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

We had Thanksgiving Dinner at our house this year. I really enjoyed being able to have my family over with enough room for everyone. My only stress was that the Turkey finished cooking an hour and a half before I had planned. I frantically started calling everyone to hurry over so we could eat early but it turned out they were all already on their way. Yeah! The food was great, of course.
After dinner Jacque planned some fun games to play together. She always does such a good job. One of her ideas was to have everyone write one thing they're grateful for about everyone else and put it in a little bag. It was nice to read later that night the thoughtful things people said.

We were definitely all feeling a little full and comfortable as the evening wore on.

Some of us were very happy...

And some of us were very tired. But all in all it was a great day.

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