Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cookies From the Heart

The other day I was making cookies in the kitchen (gluten free of course). Dallin was sitting at the counter making aliens and said, "Mom, I love watching you bake." His remark struck a resounding chord in me because I feel that cooking for your family is such an important thing and yet it seems to be losing its appeal with more and more people.

One of my favorite memories was coming home from elementary school to find cute little Oscar the Grouch cupcakes all over the kitchen counter. My mom was still frosting a few so I sat down and told her all about my day. There were many times after that when I sat at that counter and poured my heart out to her. She would listen while she made dinner, cookies, etc. There were six kids in our family so getting her attention was challenging but this was always a time when I felt like I could talk to her and she would listen.

And here was Dallin, talking away, and I was listening and I realized that this was a very important moment. For months I had been trying to find out how he felt about some specific things but couldn't find the right moment to bring it up. And now, all of the sudden, he was telling me all about it. All while I put dough on a tray and slipped batch after batch into the oven.

I feel very strongly that cooking is becoming a lost art but its importance is more than just letting a child talk to you while you bake (or sit on the counter and eat carrots out of the salad, Austin). Making dinner for your family shows them how much you love them and care about them. Sitting down to eat together teaches my kids that our family is our most important priority, worth spending time together each night. It's hard on the nights when Ryan's in school, but we still have a nice dinner together. To me, it's about health; physical, emotional, and spiritual. I care about what they eat, I care about how they are feeling, and I care about how they are developing. I think about those things as I think about what to make for dinner and who will like it best, and who probably won't eat it at all so what should I do for a backup. I try to find a balance so that there's something for everyone each night. Maybe I try too hard but it's my way of showing them that I love them and care about them. I guess that's why Dallin's comment hit so hard, because he knows that I cook because I love him.


Britt said...

dallin is such a deep, kind, sweet boy. he is just like his mom.

Lori said...

Oh how i missed you today when i heard Rubberneckin'. It's too bad I couldn't begin to remember that routine if I tried.

Aww, Dallin. I love his thoughtful conversations with you. I miss you both so much.

Breanne said...

Here I am with a little evidence to back up your claims.

This article talks about the correlations between teenage behavior and eating together. Here's a quote:

"Numerous studies show that kids who regularly sit down to family meals are better nourished and get better grades, and they are less likely to smoke, drink, use marijuana, get into fights or initiate sexual activity. The good news for busy families is that these findings generally hold true whether or not both parents are present at the dinner table."

misha~sha-sha said...

Such a great post...from a wise woman. I, too, remember your mom's Oscar the Grouch cupcakes...'cause you made them for ME once! And I am also a firm believer in family dinner. I may be the only parent at the table sometimes so I'm relieved to read Breanne's evidence that it's okay! Thanks for the encouragement!

Toad said...

I agree with you! Even though each day is crazy...I want to end it with all of us eating a home cooked meal together. I'm sure there's a lot I could get done if I didn't cook, but family time is so important!
You also have sweet kids. I'm glad you were able to have that time with Dallin. You've inspired me to make cookies tomorrow :0)

Brigette-boo said...

Lauren I think you are one of the sweetest mothers I know, you made me cry. I think cooking is just as you decribed it. you are amazing!