Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween (Eden's Birthday)

For Halloween this year Eden was Sleeping Beauty...

Dallin was a Ranger from the Ranger's Apprentice book series...

Cameron was a half devil/half angel...

And Austin was a very crabby Buzz Lightyear...

Saturday morning we headed up to American Fork to take pictures of all the cousins in their Halloween costumes (Austin was still having issues posing for the camera)...

Beautiful girls...

Later that afternoon we celebrated Eden's birthday...

I love this reaction...

It's become a tradition to have pumpkin pie for Eden's birthday cake.

Five things I love about Eden:
1. Her laugh and hugs
2. Her beautiful singing voice, especially when she sings primary songs
3. She's a good friend
4. She's very good at helping me find things that I'm looking for at the grocery store
5. She does a wonderful job cleaning her room
This year since I had a little more time I tried something new and made a "Monster" dinner. We had "mummy" mini pizzas, monster "toes", carrot "scary eyes", and frightening "monster teeth".
Some of us got a little carried away playing with our food.

Once again we went trick-or-treating with our friends the Haroldsens and the Mickelsens in our old neighborhood.

Just in case you ever wondered what Ryan looks like with hair...

Jen and I took the little kids trick-or-treating while the Dads took the big kids. Austin made it to five houses before he was done. The big kids made it through three neighborhoods before they were done. You can definitely cover more ground when you're running.

Our last stop was to Grandpa and Grandma's house before we called it a night.


Ross and Kathy said...

Looks like everyone had a great holiday. Great costums. I don't think I've ever seen Ryan with hair - it's a great look - maybe he should make a habit of it. Me lol.

Jacque said...

Happy Birthday Eden! What a fun day for a birthday. I love pumpkin pie cake!

Britt said...

Cute pictures. Super cute kids.

I loved seeing our old house in the back ground. Made me really miss it.