Wednesday, June 2, 2010


For now, that's my due date. What are the chances that's really going to happen? As far as how I'm feeling... not good. But I think I'm having a harder time dealing with losing all that I've worked so hard for over the past year than being sick and tired. I was supposed to do a triathlon last Saturday but instead spent most of the day in bed. I was so depressed that my strong healthy body has, in a mere few weeks, reverted back to sick, weak, and tired all the time. And my nice flat stomach has rebelled. I tried to go through the maternity clothes to find something to wear but just looking at them makes me sick. I'm trying to feed off of my family's excitement. The kids have debates over whether it will be a boy or a girl and Eden's ready to go shopping now for clothes for the baby (since I gave everything I had away). They're all talking about baby names too. I'm glad they're all excited, maybe one of these days I will be too.


Ross and Kathy said...

So, I'm thinking it's a toss-up. After five deliveries - a little early would be normal. Could be an exciting "New Years Eve". Remember, Grandpa Wally was born on 1-1-11.

Nikki Jenson said...

Wow! That is such a coincidence with your due date, and G'pa Wally's birthdate! Crazy! I am so excited for you though! I know the first trimester is hard, but this must be a special baby whose so excited to be a part of the Smith family! congratulations again!

Alisa's Favorite Things said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Even sick, you are the best mom. Your kids are very lucky!

Christy said...


Britt said...

I'm excited too!

And you've got you're whole life to look sexy. Just enjoy not having to suck your tummy in for the next 4 months. :)

Susan said...

Congratulations Lauren!!!

misha~sha-sha said...

Coolest due date EVER. I'm hoping I go overdue by 4 days and my baby comes on 10-10-10. Maddox was born on 5-4-5...he missed it by one day and he still lacks patience. Sorry you feel crummy. I hope it doesn't last too long. Take care of yourself!

mreay said...

Wow! Congrats!! I hope everything goes well. I've heard when you're in such great shape it's easier on your body :D You'll do great!!

Here at home said...

Congratulations! I feel like such a bad friend. I've been thinking about you and wondering if you were pregnant yet. I've been waiting for the news, but you don't show up on my blog feed and so I haven't checked your blog for a while. :) I know exactly how you're feeling and I can totally sympathize with you. Bless your heart. You're not far behind me, so hopefully you will start feeling better soon, too.