Sunday, April 10, 2011

Evelyn's Baby Blessing

Today we blessed Evelyn.  Despite the snow and cold many of our family members were able to attend our 9:00 am Sacrament Meeting.  We really appreciate everyone coming.  It's always a little crazy having so many people at our house afterwards and it's always an hour or two after everyone is gone that I realize how many people I missed getting pictures of.  I'm really sad about that.  But here are some great pictures that Breanne took.

It's been five months since my mom's stroke and she's doing great!  

Evelyn loves to smile and talk.  Uncle Doug loves to smile and talk.  They get along great!

I don't know how I'm ever going to get a family picture where all seven of us are looking great.

I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice what a good baby Evelyn is but it really is amazing to me.  She goes to bed around 9:00 at night and doesn't wake up until sometime between 5:00 and 7:00 to nurse.  She hardly ever fusses and when she does I have four other helpers anxious to hold her.  She takes a bottle, miracle, which has come in so handy now and then.  She loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney Channel.  She doesn't mind riding in her carseat or being held by anyone or taking a bath or any of the other things that sometimes make babies fussy.  I don't know how long this will last but I'm definitely enjoying it.  She is truly a "Joy"ful baby.


Breanne said...

Nice photos! Really, everyone looks great, especially Evelyn! She is so pretty!

Ross and Kathy said...


Stephanie T said...

She is such a pretty baby! You are lucky to have such great pictures of her blessing. I'm like you and usually forget to take the pictures.