Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Tidbit #2

My tip for today is to take your flaxseed.  See below for a list of wonderful reasons to take Omega 3, 6, and 9.  My product of choice is Udo's Choice 3-6-9 Blend.  I find it at the health food store.  It says to take 1 Tbsp or more a day with meals (up to 1 Tbsp per 50 lbs of body weight per day).  How do I take it?  I mix it into my oatmeal in the morning, drizzle it on a salad with lunch, and stir into a protein shake after a workout.  I also sneak it into spaghetti sauce, soups, and other dinners after they're done cooking.
Here are some wonderful reasons the guy at the health food store gave me for taking Omega 3, 6, and 9's...

Omega 3 --
- Brighter Babies.  Pregnant mums give birth to brighter more alert babies.
- Extra Brain Power.  Children increase their brainpower and cognitive ability.
- Fewer Tantrums.  Children are less likely to be aggressive or have tantrums.
- Reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dis-order.
- Prevent Alzheimer's.
- Control the effects of Asthma
- Increase Autoimmune Disease survival rates.  Omega 3 helps the arteries and other parts of the body stay inflammation free, thereby boosting the bodies' natural immunity.
- Improve Arthritis.  Reduce symptoms and effects of rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation.
- Reduce Hypertension and the risk of strokes.  Lower blood pressure for all.
- Improve Heart Health.  Stabilizing irregular heart beats, reducing blood pressure.
- Reduce Depression and symptoms of other mental health problems.  It can help reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate depression, dementia, post-natal depression, bi-polar disorder, and schizophrenia.
- Aid Cancer prevention of the colon and breast.  For those with these diseases it also assists with recovery and continued remission.
- Lose Weight More Easily.  May help to maintain a weight loss program by helping to control blood sugar levels.

Omega 6--
- Reduce joint inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis and thereby the aches and pains.
- Relieve many of the symptoms of PMS, including bloating, cramps, and breast tenderness.
- Reduce the symptoms of both endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts.
- Maintain healthy skin; more specifically reduce the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.
- Clear acne and rosacea by reducing the number of clogged pores, stimulating the contraction of blood vessels and reducing inflammation.
- Maintain and enhance the growth of healthy and vibrant hair.
- Prevent nerve deterioration in diabetics.
- Promote hormonal and emotional balance.
- Enhance growth of healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Omega 9--
- Reduces arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
- Improve blood sugar maintenance and insulin resistance.
- Protects and support the immune system.
- Reduce the risk of breast cancer.
- Lower the rates of cardiovascular disease and improve heart health.
- Reduce blood pressure and the risk of strokes.

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