Thursday, April 21, 2011


I would like to apologize if my last post offended or upset anyone.  I'm afraid I came across too emotional about an issue that feels overwhelming to me.  I didn't mean to accuse that man of being overweight because of personal choice and neglect but feel frustrated about the way so many of us were raised without the knowledge about how what we eat can affect us.  And I'm not blaming anyone's parents either.  I'm blaming a food industry that is out to make money as quickly, cheaply and easily as possible without any care for the individual.  And as a result we have several generations of people that are unaware that a lot of what we eat has no nutritional value.  It's personally frustrating because I can't figure out what's right either but I'm trying.  There's always a new diet, a new weight loss product, new information about what's good for you and what's bad for you.  It's time consuming and expensive to try to eat healthy and I realize that disqualifies many people from even beginning the journey to try to change their lifestyle.

A lot of what I've learned has come from a sudden allergy to flour eight years ago which has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  As I delved into the health food world I began to learn things that made me feel better than I've felt most of my life.  And the better I feel the more I want to learn and adapt changes in my life and my children's life.  I want to be supported in these changes and I want to support and encourage others who are also experimenting with things they are learning, like trying to give up caffeine or eating more vegetables.  It feels like a walk against a tidal wave when you go to the store and there is aisle after aisle of things that look  tasty, quick, cheap and satisfying.  I'm constantly having to tell myself "just don't buy it."  And when I go to the health food store I'm discouraged by how expensive my choices are.

I apologize for putting my emotions on paper so to speak and if that hurt anyone who is also trying to figure out what's best for them and their family in this world of confusion.  I certainly didn't intend to accuse anyone of not doing good enough or not trying.  I really just want us to keep learning and share what we learn and support each other for every effort we make to live a lifestyle that isn't supported by the world we live in.


Scott said...

"Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—" -Doctrine & Covenants 89:4

I really believe that this has more to do with our "normal" food than with alcohol and tobacco.

Jacque said...

I love this! It is such a struggle and I love hearing your personal journey and frustrations. I for one, think you are doing awesome and I think one by one we can help each other make better choices and stand up against the standard american diet. =)

Ross and Kathy said...

First, I don't think fast food is cheaper, and certainly not chips and cookies from the store. I'm pretty sure "Unprocessed foods" are a better buy. Otherwise I'm with Erika - I have lots of time - but I also have lots of things I want to do with my time. So, when I'm home along I usually reach for whatever is easiest & quickest. Fortunately, we buy pretty good stuff at the store - many aisles we just skip. Good luck everyone.