Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh My Wednesday

I've said before that Wednesdays are jinxed and today was no exception. I think next Wednesday I'll stay in bed and see if anything still goes wrong.

I had the day all planned, carpools arranged, babysitters scheduled, lunches packed, diaper bag packed, all so I could take Eden to Primary Children's in Riverton for an EGD and biopsy of her throat. We had to leave at 7 am which meant I needed to be up at 5:45 am. So, last night, Dallin got the stomach flu. He was sick all night. I checked on him at 2:30 and heard him again at 4:40 but couldn't quite drag myself out of bed for that one because I had gotten up at 3:00 ready to give Evelyn medicine because she had been fussing a lot but she fell back asleep before I got the medicine ready.

I still got up at 5:45 and got myself ready. Then I checked on Dallin again. He wanted more Sprite. As I went to get it out of the fridge in the garage I dropped it. When I opened it in the sink in the kitchen, very slowly and carefully, it exploded all over me. I cleaned up the floor and the counter, took Dallin his Sprite and changed my whole outfit.

Somehow I got out the door with Eden by 7:08. Grandma came to take care of the baby and Cameron left for orchestra. Then Grandma called and told me Austin was laying on his floor complaining his stomach hurt. I was well on my way and felt complete despair. Grandma was taking Eve to Joy's at 10:30 because she had a big Relief Society lunch to put on. I couldn't leave Austin with Dallin because Dallin couldn't even move. What was I going to do? Then it came to me. Cameron. Cameron has already had the flu and is super helpful.

So Grandma took the baby to Joy's, checked Cameron out of school and took her home to take care of Dallin and Austin. Austin ended up definitely being sick but Cameron did a great job getting her brothers Sprite and blankets and turning on a movie.

I got home in time to get Cameron back to school for lunch. They were having pizza. But Eden was still pale and dizzy from her procedure and I had no where to put her. So she laid down in my bed with the ipad while the boys each took a couch in the living room.

I still had to pick up school carpool and get Cameron to piano and play practice, all the normal Wednesday madness this afternoon, all while ferrying cups of Sprite to three sick kids.

Fortunately, Evelyn has been a doll and super happy today. She's been practicing standing all by herself and goes from room to room checking on all her siblings. She's so much happier when her whole family is home with her.

The other good news is that Eden's throat is fine. There is no inflammation from her acid reflux. So now I just have to wait for the results of the biopsy and blood work. Hopefully that will give us some answers as to what she's allergic to and what is causing her heartburn.

So, I survived another Wednesday. But like I said, I think next week I'll skip it.


Ross and Kathy said...

OMG! Too much for me to comprehend.

Breanne said...

Maybe you should get a nanny for your birthday =)