Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two Places At Once

The last few days before Christmas break are full of class parties, teacher's gifts, crafts and extra things. One of those extra things turned out to be a presentation on Russian culture for the sixth graders. Fortunately, Ryan had just finished scanning in all of my pictures from my time in Russia and I was able to put together a really cool slideshow. The problem came when I realized the presentation was going to be at the same time as Eden's Polar Express Parade. So I called in backup. Ryan's mom came to watch Austin and the baby. And Ryan came to help me set up my laptop and then headed over to Eden's parade. It went something like this..

My presentation

Then Ryan running to catch Eden's Polar Express Parade (we spent the better part of Sunday afternoon working on her train car)

Then Ryan coming back and taking pictures of my presentation. They actually had the music from the parade playing on the sound system throughout the whole school. I tried to wait until the song was over to continue the slideshow but it was a long song so I finally just talked over it.

 After the parade Ryan snuck into the gym to get a picture of Eden before the movie started.

Just as I was walking out of the Little Theater we noticed Eden's class lined up outside the doors to the gym and were able to snag this last picture. It was hectic but I was so glad I got to see her all cute in her pj's.

That was one crazy morning but it all worked out great.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Great Pics! Thank You for sharing.