Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Dallin!

Dallin's birthday party was a little squished between Cameron's play practice and Dallin's scouts but I think we still managed to make it fun. The big surprise was the hamster Dallin got. Our first pet. He named it Brownie. I'll tell you more about Brownie later.

Dallin has grown up to be loving, smart, helpful, considerate, and practically perfect in every way. I feel honored to be his mother and am thankful for the things he shares with me. Since he is the oldest it seems like we're trailblazing with every new experience. I couldn't have asked for a better trailblazer. He sets such a good example for the others and for myself. I find myself looking up to him and admiring his patience and compassion for everyone around him.

Happy 10th Birthday Dallin! I'm sure in a few short years I'll be looking up to you in more ways than one.


Karin said...

That is an awesome picture of your family. Love it. Happy b-day Dallin.

J and J Haroldsen said...

Happy Birthday Dallin!! If I had to come up with three words to describe Dallin they would be...loving, dependable, and soooo thoughtful. You are such a great kid. I am excited for the young man that you are becoming. Thank you for being such a good friend!

Stephanie T said...

Wow, 10 years old already! It's so weird that our oldest are a decade old. I don't feel any older at all.

When I got your Christmas card I read the whole thing in a night!
I like yours alot, it's just so totally you, except with more kids and even more going on:-)