Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Choose the Right

Eden went to her first CTR class on Sunday and came home with a cute picture of the CTR emblem that she had colored. She then proceeded to explain to Austin what Choose the Right means. She said, "Austin, when we choose the right that means we don't hit or bite or throw toys. Right Austin? So, Austin, what does choose the right mean?" Austin repeated back what she had said but was she satisfied, nope? She had to tape her picture on the wall right next to Austins bed. Do you think she got her message across? So far, so good.


Jacque said...

That is so funny! Way to go Eden!

Jill said...

What a great big sister. There are so many things that I have learned from my siblings.

misha~sha-sha said...

That's classic. You've got yourself an enforcer!

Brigette-boo said...

Does she think he has a serious problem with this? =)