Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Clean House

A few days ago a friend stopped by and threw into a casual conversation an odd comment. She said that they (fellow scrapbookers) decided the other night that my house is always clean. What? I didn't know what to make of it but she left before I could ask what brought about that conversation. So for the next few days I felt paranoid and kept my house extra clean just to prove they were right (and in case any of them stopped by). But then it dawned on me, I do this anyway. Why? Here are my top reasons:

1. I'm a control freak.
2. Crumbs are evil and must be destroyed.
3. I like to make my kids work. (You think I clean this house all by myself?)

Okay, all kidding aside, here's my real reason. I was talking to my sister the other day and she recited a quote that sums it all up for me. She said she went to the cannery and just inside the door was a sign that said something along the lines of, "Serving in the cannery is just like serving in the temple except that your blessing people who are living." (It would be better if I had the actual quote). But the point is our homes are also like temples. When I work here I bless my family and create an atmosphere where they can feel the spirit. I've always wanted a home where anyone could come in and feel welcome. A place where someone could stop by at any time and feel like I was waiting just for them. A place where they can sit and relax and feel at peace. Keeping my home clean is part of always having that feeling of peace in my home. Not just for special occasions but everyday for my husband and my children and family and friends. Of course, I don't always accomplish this (especially when I'm sick) but I think for the most part I get the job done. And it's always nice, at the end of the day, to sit back and enjoy that peaceful feeling for myself, purely selfish.

So if you happen to come over and notice that my house is clean, know that I did it just for you, cause I love you.


Nikki Jenson said...

The only reason I clean is for the rewarding feeling you mentioned of sitting back at the end of the day and experiencing the feeling of "accomplishment". Aside from that, I'm a control freak too! But I have to admit that the hum of the dishwasher at night is one of my favorite and most relaxing sounds!

Barney Family said...

I think we all love that peaceful feeling--it's the work that stinks. This coming from someone who is spending all day getting the house "company" ready. Ugghhh. But I actually love it when people ask to come stay with us--because I love the motivation to get it to that extra level of clean. The cannery quote also went on to say that God created all things spiritually before he created them physically--hence everything is spiritual. Especially the work we do that blesses our families or others. That all being said...there is a woman in my ward, too, who's house is ALWAYS clean. She has six kids and we all wonder in amazement at how she does it....

Here at home said...

I, too, love a clean house and that feeling of rewarding feeling when you've worked hard and can enjoy that clean feeling. We've been sick all last weekend, with throwup everywhere. It leaves that feeling that I just need to get in a cleanse the whole house. I have thought about that a lot this week how it relates it to sin. There is nothing better than that clean feeling when we repent.

Toad said...

That was so sweet! Yes I was one of those people talking about your clean house :0)
I think it's awesome. I love it when my house is clean too. I can't relax if it's not. Next time I come over I'll smile because you cleaned it for me!!

Lori said...

You are an inspiration. Love ya! Isn't it great that the women around you are discussing your clean home?!

Brigette-boo said...

I always noticed you had a clean home to! You have such a great way of looking at everything, it helps me to see how the Lord and his spirit can truly be in every part of our lives.