Friday, May 15, 2009

A Bad Day at the Dentist

Last week I went in to get a temporary crown put on a tooth that's been bothering me for a while. After the appointment it was tender so I avoided chewing on that side but by Sunday I was in a lot of pain. I went back on Monday morning and they attempted to file down the crown hoping that would help but it didn't. I ended up on a lot of pain killers until they could get me in again Thursday night. It had been a busy day which didn't allow me to think about the appointment much, which was good. The dentist had said something about taking the nerve out and I thought well, it could be worse, it could be a root canal. Turns out, it was a root canal. I guess taking the nerve out is more of an accurate description. Either way, it was painful and stressful and I came home a nervous wreck.

Frankly, I'm still upset by it (childhood fear of the dentist that I've never gotten over). Especially since I have to go back next week for him to finish the work. I just can't stand the thought of going through any of that again. I've even debated not eating anymore (why not lose weight and avoid tooth decay at the same time). My mouth is still tender and I have a feeling I'll never be able to chew on my right side again. (Okay, I'm being a little dramatic. It's only to convey how truly distraught I've been by this whole experience).

So, any words of comfort would be nice. And I'll tell you right now, if you say something like "it's not that bad" then you aren't my friend anymore (yeah, that was dramatic, sorry, I sound like a four year old, but the root canal was one of my worst nightmares come true).


Ross and Kathy said...

Having never had a serious problem with any of my teeth I cannot begin to relate. But it made me feel really sad to read your story. I'm so sorry you had to endure so much pain and anxiety. You seem to get more than your share of painful experiences. I had surgery Monday to remove a skin cancer from my forhead; but with a local anesthetic I didn't feel a thing. It was over in 20 minutes and I had a slight head ache that night so I took some tylenol and went to bed. So, I've got nothing to complain about. I hope you feel better real soon and that your next appointment is a brease. Love, Dad

Breanne said...

I had a root canal last year. My teeth were tender on that side for awhile - a couple of months, and I thought I'd never be able to chew on that side again, too. But now that I think about it, I can chew fine on those teeth. It did take some time to recover, though.

Breanne said...

Oh and even if you didn't eat, there are still germs in your mouth, so no hope there. You might as well eat.

Nikki Jenson said...

I was at the dentist 3 DAYS IN A ROW last week! I still have a migrane every morning and every night. (And I have to go back in next week again!) I will call you!

Amy said...

First of all...high five to you to even going to dentist. I absolutely detest the dentist. The only one that I like was Jason S. and he moved away just when I was even thinking about doing my routine 6 month cleaning. I haven't seen one since. Ian keeps pestering me to go in and getting a cleaning, but I told that I go in for a cleaning I come out with cavities being filled or worse! So, just know that you are super brave and you can do. If all else fails, just bite his finger and say it was a nervous twitch!

Brigette-boo said...

YOu just lived my worst nightmare, now it really is more a fear...thanks! lol. I hope you get feeling better soon. I am so sorry you had to go through that, I never understood those people who didn't mind that stuff. If I was there I would have brought you a milk shake.

Barney Family said...

Oooohh, so sorry. Hope it's much better now!