Friday, May 29, 2009

School's Out!

It's that time of the year again. The kids are all mine. Cameron told me this morning when I was doing her hair for her last day of school that she felt like she knows her teacher better than she knows me. I said that's because she spends more time with her teacher than she does with me. Sad. I think I'm going to have to do something about that this summer.

I have to admit, though, that I tend to get a little frazzled trying to please every child in every way every day. So, I forsee some complications to my good intentions but at least I'm starting out with my heart in the right place.

'Course, as soon as the kids were home today Cameron was off to a party, and has another one tonight, and Dallin went camping with his best buddy. So it was me and Eden and Austin, like everyday. I guess summer officially starts tomorrow.

Dallin's class program was on May 26th. They learned a lot about Utah this year so all of their songs and dances had to do with Utah and it's history. My favorite song was a silly one about all the unusual and hard to pronounce cities in our state. Cute.

Dallin's always such a good student. He does his best in every subject and tries to help others when he's done.
Dallin's teacher was very sweet. It was fun getting to know her a little better this year.

Cameron's class program was on May 15th. They sang some songs in the gym and then we went back to her class where we learned a little more about what they learned this year.

Cameron is a very talented writer. She wrote some creative stories and poems that I'll try to post soon.

Cameron's teacher did a wonderful job. She's a friend from our old neighborhood but she's also an amazing teacher. I'm grateful for her patience and creativity teaching all the kids in her class.


Shaun & April said...

Yeah I had good intentions to, until they came home...started fighting and made an enormous mess in 2 seconds! We will be spending a lot of time at Seven Peaks. NO CLEAN UP REQUIRED!

Britt said...

Cute is right - your kids are gorgeous!

I agree. I love summer because my kids are MINE again. I wouldn't survive without our "summer school" though. It's fun.

Kelly M said...

That picture of Natalie and Cameron is great! They totally look related!