Friday, November 20, 2009

A Marvelous Work and A Wonder

I've had such a crazy week but it dawned on me last night that I had forgotten to post the most wonderful thing that happened a few days ago. Cameron came up to me with tears in her eyes around 8:30 Tuesday night as I was frantically sewing Christmas gifts and said she had just finished the Book of Mormon! I set everything down and gave her a HUGE hug.

Sometime this summer Cameron set a goal to read the whole Book of Mormon, on her own, by Christmas. I think she started in June. She's been reading every night before she goes to bed and marking the chapters off on a chart on her wall. Well, she far exceeded her goal! She still has almost four weeks until Christmas and she's done. She said she felt the spirit really strong but Ryan still challenged her to pray to know if the book was true and then write her feelings in her journal. She did, and cried through the whole thing. She said she loved reading the whole book and getting a better understanding of the stories and principles she's always heard about.

She now has a new goal now, to read Matthew and Mark before Christmas so she can read Luke 2 on Christmas eve.

I'm so proud of this girl!


Nikki Jenson said...

Lauren, that is so wonderful! I am so proud of Cameron! I don't think I read it through till I was a teenagers!

Erin said...

What an amazing girl! And what good parents for helping teach her what she can do to know for herself.