Thursday, September 4, 2008

In Case I Missed Anything

I now have the privledge to run errands with only one child. Which is a delight for me but Austin isn't exactly thrilled with the idea. As soon as I turned the corner after dropping Eden off at preschool he said, "Get Eden now?"

"No," I said, "we're going to go to the store."

"Ooohhh," he moaned.

We got on the freeway and he proceeded to tell me everything he saw. "Mama car." "Mama truck." "Mama big truck." "Mama I see horsie." "Mom, mom, mom, mom,..."

"What Austin?"

"Mama, I see horsie."

"Yep I see it."

"Mama, I see tree."

"Uh huh."

"Mama I see Daddy in truck."

"Uh huh." (When is preschool over?) Just kidding. It's cute to hear him talk so much. And I'm glad running errands can be an adventure for him. I've always loved this time I have with one child as the others are off at school. It gives me a chance to see their own unique personalities and hear their voice which is often drowned out by the older ones.


Lori said...

I love it...I can picture him jabbering non-stop! While Ev is at pre-school for 1 1/2 hours, I can't seem to get too many errands done. Regardless, I am loving the moments with just my little Elle Baby!

Unknown said...

I could not wait for olivia to start school because I knew that I would finally get to really know Jackson just him, with out any louder voice or influence of a very controlling sister! We get a few months just me and him before Adriana comes. it makes me sad to think someday these times will be gone!