Monday, October 6, 2008

Not Today

Nope, it's not today. We're not signing papers on the sell of our home and once again I find myself doubting if it will ever happen.

At first we were told this morning we would be signing around 4:30, with a question mark. Then we found out that the lady buying our home went into labor and is having her baby. A minor setback. But then we were told that the problem they were having on Friday still hasn't been completely resolved. Now they say we'll sign tomorrow. Sure.

I honestly feel that we have found ourselves victims of the Economic Crisis the newscasters are portraying like it's the end of the world. Well, as now it affects me directly, I can say, "I feel the pain." I'm pretty sure it's why these people are having such a hard time getting their loan and therefore I wouldn't be surprised if they called tomorrow and said the whole thing has fallen through. Should I unpack? Or keep waiting? With hope and faith I'm going to keep waiting.


misha~sha-sha said...

I'm sorry. That sounds so frustrating. You must be ready to pull your hair out. Don't unpack yet. Remember that conference talk on hope.... Keep on hoping for a few days. Just because the DOW dropped below 10,000 today for the first time since 2004 doesn't mean your house sale will fall through. Good luck!

Barney Family said...

Ughhhh. I'm so sorry. Hang in there.

Jacque said...

sorry, Lauren. I really hope they just let it go through already.

Amy said...

That is aweful! Go find yourself a treat and lock yourself in the closet if you have too. Maybe that will help the papers go through soon and if not...well, you had yourself a treat and some time to yourself!