Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gilroy Family Reunion - Day 3

Navajo Lake

Some of the kids were more successful than others at getting into the water. Supposedly it was pretty cold, I wouldn't know, I have a thing about lakes. But it was pretty funny to watch them run in, get a little wet, and run back shivering. All except Cameron and Merri, that is. They took off to the dam and tried to fish but they didn't seem to mind the cold at all.

"Hey Mom, look, I've got a buterfly!"

Singing and S'mores
Nikki made some cool song books so we could sing along at the campfire. There were a few generational conflicts (I didn't realize tunes changed over the years) but it was still fun to sing songs I remember from campfires oh so many years ago.

Aunt Lynne flies in all the way from Hawaii for this vacation each year. It's great for our family to get to spend time with her. And we're very grateful to her for making the arrangements to stay at this fun place.

Austin discovered a new source of fun, sand. We don't have too much of that around our house. So he spent most of the week here, in the sand pit. I'm still getting sand out of his shoes!

Cameron is the marshmallow cooking queen! Which only makes sense since she's the queen of treats. But she has truly mastered the art of the perfect roasted marshmallow.

Dad was more than happy to reap the benefits of that mastered art.


Nikki Jenson said...

Is that Bre picking her nose in that picture next to Lynne?

Hugs from mom said...

I was hoping no one would notice that. I think she's picking her teeth, though. But it was such a good picture of Lynne and I didn't have photoshop to cut off Bre's hand. :) Sorry Bre.

Stephanie T said...

What a fun family reunion!