Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We had a big snowstorm a few days after Christmas so Ryan took the kids outside to help him shovel. Good thing I bought a few extras this year, including one Austin's size (it was cheaper than a snowblower). They all worked together and got the job done in record time!

When the work was done we jumped in the van and headed to the local driving range for some sledding!

There was a firm layer of ice underneath the fresh powder and it was difficult to get the sleds and tube back up the steep hill. It took a little effort from everyone. After a few painful falls Ryan discovered he could lower the longest sled and "pull" the kids back up the hill. It was pretty brilliant.

The powder was so fine it flew into our faces as we came down the hill, and then it slid down our necks! Brrrr.

1 comment:

misha~sha-sha said...

Your new pictures of your family are BEAUTIFUL!