Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

Austin came sneaking into our room around 7 in the morning and whispered, "It's Christmas time." I told Austin to stay in our room while I went in the kitchen to turn on some lights. When I turned around he was in the living room pointing at one of the surprises Santa left and said, "I want this one." I told him he had to wait and see who each gift was for. We rounded up the kids and made them wait upstairs until Dad was ready with the camera. Then, they were off...

Austin got a baseball shooting toy. He loves it. Unfortunately, later in the day Eden tried to hit the ball and whacked Austin in the eye instead. It's been purple ever since.

Eden got her own camera, finally. The girl has taken hundreds of pictures with mine.

Cameron got a toy veterinarian set. That's what she wants to be when she grows up.

Dallin got an Erector set he's been dying for. The kids were all pretty happy but there were still a few surprises, like this Diego backpack that Austin wore for the rest of the day.

Austin got Eden some Barbie clothes. It's nice to see the kids appreciate each others' thoughtfulness.

One of my favorite toys were these Marshmallow shooters. Not the most ideal thing to shoot around the house but it cracked me up.

We had a wonderful morning lying around playing with new toys and just being together as a family.

1 comment:

Britt said...

Your house looks so warm, and cozy and happy. I want to come hang out in your family room with your cute family.