Friday, August 20, 2010

Gilroy Family Reunion Day 3

Thursday was Erika's birthday.  In the morning we took her to the local day spa for a massage and pedicures.  Afterwards we enjoyed a fun family lunch and then headed to Herriman Park for horseback riding.

It looks like they're all enjoying a nice conversation together.  Wish I knew what they were talking about.

I was so proud of her.  Last year she rode with me but this year she was big enough for her own horse, without a lead rope!

While 29 of my family members were off enjoying a nice hour long ride Kimball, Lynne, Don, and I took the youngest kids, Austin, Alex, and Ian for a little walk by the lake.  Since it was pretty hot Lynne and Don soon ended up under a tree.  Kimball and I took the boys back to play with the ponies and the goats.  Then, it was their turn...

They were both so excited to get to ride the horses too!  I went with them, pregnant belly and all (actually if I was any bigger I would have opted out).  It was only a 20 minute ride which was just perfect for all of us.  Actually after seeing some of the others after their hour long ride I think they might have preferred the 20 minute one too.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Good times were had by all.