Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dallin's Birthday!

Dallin just turned 12!  I can't believe it!  I got up early to make some cinnamon rolls for his breakfast and he got to open one present.  A head lamp.  It was Ryan's idea.  Cameron thought it was so he could read in bed but Ryan was actually picturing all the scout camp outs Dallin will get to go on now.  Ryan can't wait.

That night we went to Red Robin for dinner.  We let Dallin order whatever he wanted.  He chose an onion ring stack, a huge bacon cheeseburger, and a freckled lemonade.  He didn't even come close to eating all of it but at least he had some help, especially with the ice cream cake they brought him for dessert.

Man I love this kid!

I drove to Provo just to get him an ice cream cake but somehow forgot about candles.  We managed to find twelve but it was quite an assortment.  There were even two in there that kept relighting no matter how many times Dallin blew on them.  It was pretty funny but made a lot of smoke.

Dallin said he had a great day and couldn't wait to try out his new DS game and his Lego Harry Potter Board Game.  We also got him another robot to build just to encourage his engineering talents.  Last night when Ryan and I finally got to bed we heard some noise downstairs.  Ryan said he was pretty sure it was Dallin because he was too excited to fall asleep.


Ross and Kathy said...


Jacque said...

Oh what a sweet day. Happy Birthday Dallin!

Stephanie T said...

What an Awesome Birthday! He is going to be a great Young Man!