Friday, December 31, 2010


So after all the contractions I had during Christmas I thought for sure this little girl would come this week.  But when I went to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday he said I hadn't changed at all from the week before!  I couldn't believe it.  He said the contractions I'd been having weren't real.  Whatever.  They definitely hurt!  And if that's not real then maybe I'll skip the real and just go for being induced like I was with Eden and Austin.  So as of right now I'm scheduled to be induced on January 6th.  I know, there's nothing special about that date but unfortunately for me my auspicious date is on a Tuesday and he only does inductions on Thursday through Sunday.  So, I decided I'd rather have this baby out sooner than think of trying to make it to my due date and then go past my due date since my contractions don't seem to do anything.

Now, here we are at New Year's Eve.  I decided that since it didn't matter if I had contractions or not that I would do whatever I wanted with my kids this week (within reason).  So we went to see Tron in 3D at the IMAX.  That was so fantastic and the kids loved it too!  We've gone out to dinner, I've run some errands and visited with friends and I'm even getting my hair done today.  I've had some strong contractions but nothing regular, figures.  The one thing that has made me truly miserable several times a day though, is this little girl.  I think she thinks she can push her way out.  She kicks and rolls and pushes on me for hours.  It has become both painful and exhausting.  I told Ryan it looks like she's not going to be a snuggler and she's definitely going to give Austin a run for his money.  I don't think any of the other kids have been this strong, or maybe I'm just a lot weaker.  I guess we'll see, unfortunately it probably won't be sooner but rather later.


Ross and Kathy said...

Good Karma, good Karma, good Karma. Well, I did my part. We're rooting for you. Have a Happy New Year. We Love You All.

Jacque said...

It will all be worth it in the end! Only a few more days... I'm glad you're finding good distractions!

Barney Family said...

Oh, having an end date is a wonderful thing!

Karin said...

I've been thinking about you today. Stay happy! Remember you'll be able to breath in a week.(: Good luck with everything!