Thursday, December 23, 2010

Little Lauren

My sister Breanne found these pictures I think from some of my mom's photo albums and sent them to me.  I'm not sure about the ages of all of them but just thought I'd share a little blast from the past.

My blessing day.

I always loved sitting at the counter watching my mom cook (and talking her ear off).  I guess I wasn't the only one.

I'm not sure how old I was here but I can tell it was summer time because you can see the above ground pool in the backyard behind me.  I loved swimming in it (even though Nikki always tried to drown me).  :)

I guess this is from my sixth birthday.  I'm thinking some of the colors are pretty washed out because those strawberries were definitely red once upon a time.  That was our special birthday hat and I know we had those Disney characters on more than one birthday cake.

Breanne wanted me to show Cameron that I was in plays when I was little but I'm thinking this was one of those forced elementary school performances.  I was too shy to be much of an actor.  See the kid on the front row, second from the right?  I totally had a crush on him.  I think his name was Michael.

This is a really special picture to have.  I've always remembered my baptism.  It was in July and there were several other kids being baptized at the same time.  I remember my dad baptizing me and my mom helping me change my clothes and do my hair afterwards.  I also remember sitting in the little metal chair for my confirmation.  My primary teacher gave me a wooden craft to hang up to remember the day and my primary president gave me a necklace.

I have no idea what this is from but I'll tell you an interesting story.  The room behind me was our family room.  It was pretty small so my dad had this ingenious idea to cut a hole in the wall and set the tv on a table in the garage so that all you could see from the room was the screen.  He put duct tape around it to seal it off.  (Yeah, my Dad totally invented flat screens).  Well, when I was fifteen I was trying to do my mom a favor by washing our big twelve passenger van.  I went to park it in the garage when I was done and noticed it was sticking out a little.  So, I put it in drive to move it up a few inches but didn't have my foot on the brake.  I drove through the wall and pushed that tv right into the family room!  Not good.  My mom came running out of the house bawling thinking I was dead and the house was going to fall down.  And that was the end of our flat screen tv.  The wall had to be repaired and the tv placed on a table in the room.  Sorry guys!


Nikki Jenson said...

Correction! - I was not drowning you! I was only fulfilling my sisterly duties and "rough-housing"! Not drowning! (Ok, maybe there was a little attempt at drowinging... but still!)

I think its so cool you remember all the details of you baptisms... down to the gifts! I totally remember my baptism day too; it was a very special memory.

And I TOTALLY remember you driving the car into the family room! THAT was hilarious! (No harm done.)

Hey Bre! Where are all MY pictures!

Jacque said...

Oh my gosh your 6th birthday smile looks so much like Eden! Cute pictures and fun memories. I love hearing some of the siblings memories cause mine are very one sided! =)

Ross and Kathy said...

OK, here's my guess on the last photo. I'm guessing that, because there's a baby's daycrib and rocking thingy, that this picture was taken when Bre was an infant. That would make Lauren 10. BTW that is NOT DUCT TAPE around the TV. It's heavy duty anti-skid tape for stairs. And the damage you did was really pretty minor. It just looked bad at the time.

Kelly M said...
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Kelly M said...

Are these pictures of Lauren or of Eden?!? Wow I never realized how much she looks like you! Thanks for sharing these pictures. It was fun to see "little Lauren."

Britt said...

These pictures are so fun. And I can't believe how much your kids look like you! It's a good thing you're gorgeous.