Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Day At The Park

After kindergarten on September 1 Austin had an appointment to get tested for allergies.  Since it was up near the mouth of Provo Canyon I packed lunches and we went to Bridal Veil Falls for a picnic.

This has got to be the cutest, bright yellow, fuzzy caterpillar I've ever seen.

Austin had the camera for a while and tried to get a picture of me feeding Evelyn lunch.

It was a beautiful day.

I got Austin's results two weeks later.  He's allergic to wheat, dairy, and soy.  Bummer.  I decided to get the rest of the kids tested in November.  I might as well know how it is for all of them so I can prepare meals everyone can eat.


Ross and Kathy said...

Austin is good with a camera. I got tested for alergies when I was a kid - wool and feathers - go figure.

Breanne said...

Austin's a good little picture-taker!